Location: Battambang, Cambodia
Dates: November 27th – December 15th, 2017
School Leaders: Dan & Christine Bushy, Lis & Steve Cochrane, and Vijay Koirala
As YWAM continues to grow rapidly in Asia we need to be equipping and empowering the next generation of missions leaders. This 3-week seminar will be led by elders in our mission each with over 30 years of missions experience in Asia and who specifically helped pioneer YWAM in the South Asia nations of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Dan Bushy, Steve and Lis Cochrane all were some of the initial leaders in this region which now has over 3,000+ full-time YWAM missionaries, mostly who are indigenous missionaries reaching their nations. Come and join us as we glean from elders in Asia who have been a part of empowering indigenous missions movements.
For more info and to register, please contact us here.