About Us

Smiling young confident business woman sitting in office
About ALLC

Communities of Learning Leaders

We are a community of YWAM leaders who continuously seek to learn and grow together toward God’s missional purpose.  We believe that in order to effectively fulfill His purposes for the nations, we must create and sustain an environment where our leaders are connected, supported, encouraged, and empowered to flourish in their God-given calling and giftings.

Our vision is to see flourishing and multiplying learning communities of YWAM leaders, embodying the Kingdom of God in Asia, the Pacific and beyond.

Our mission is to equip, connect, and resource YWAM leaders in Asia and the Pacific for effective ministry.

About ALLC

We are a cohort of leaders throughout Asia and the Pacific who choose to connect in committed relationships, engage with one another, and share learning resources to serve one another’s leadership development.

Cheerful woman designer showing draft for new project to her colleagues while discussing and sharing ideas in office.
Learning Community

What is a learning community?

If you’ve never heard of the concept of a “learning community,” don’t worry – you’re not alone!  For many leaders in our mission, it is a brand new concept that can tend to be abstract at first.  Most people figure it out by simply experiencing it first and then realizing, “Oh, this is what a learning community is!”  But to make things a little easier for you to understand, we thought we’d go ahead and explain what a learning community is and why we believe it is so important for leaders in our mission to be a part of one (or more!).

Here’s the basic idea:

God didn’t create us to live, learn, or serve in isolation – we are incomplete by ourselves.  He designed us in a way that we actually need other people and we function best as a part of a community (yes, even introverts).  We can’t see the whole picture alone or grow alone.  We grow best when we grow together and get the perspectives and insights of others. 

In order to continue to grow in any area of our lives – whether knowledge, skills, or character – we must keep learning.  This is the heart of discipleship.  It is learning that motivates us to change, and change leads to growth, which brings about transformation.

We learn better when we learn together.  We all have experiences, insights, and resources that we can share with each other.  Our learning becomes more fruitful as we listen to what others are learning, share our own challenges, and find solutions from the experience of others.

We serve the broader YWAM family through:

Our Eldership Team

A group of senior YWAM leaders who are stewards of the vision, the values, and the mission of ALLC. They provide spiritual leadership and accountability for all involved in the ALLC.

Our Core Team

A serving team of emerging, current and senior leaders who are committed to first BEING a learning community together. The Core Team implements the vision of the ALLC in creative ways through smaller operational teams referred to as “Hubs.” 

The ALLC Community

All YWAM staff and leaders in Asia and the Pacific are welcome to be part of the ALLC Community as fellow learners, contributors, and multipliers of the ALLC in their own contexts through:
- coaching, mentoring, teaching, etc.
- sharing learning resources
- participating in ALLC events, training, and activities that are of interest to them


We believe the most effective leaders are those who continue to learn and grow in their leadership.

That is why we help connect, equip, and resource communities of YWAM leaders who desire to journey together towards God and His Kingdom purposes.  These communities can take many shapes – they could be ministry teams, bases, or leaders from various locations who commit to learn together.  The learning process itself can happen in many ways, whether through formal learning like training courses & seminars, online events or workshops, small groups that gather regularly to mentor each other (aka Mentoring Circles), and more.

So how about you? Are you ready to join with other leaders in the journey of learning together?

In Their Own Words

Here are what some current leaders in Asia are saying about what it means to them to be a part of a learning community and how it has impacted them personally.

A base leader from Korea

“In traditional learning there is a distinction between the teacher and the student.  But in a learning community we are growing together to the fullness of the Lord.  It is a joy to have colleagues learning and growing together in Asia, and to be able to help someone else in any part of my life and ministry (not only success and but also failure).”

A leader from Myanmar

“A leadership learning community is a place where people with a learning heart gather. I got the chance to connect with amazing elders and young leaders, especially those who have a heart for Southeast Asia, and learn from them through their life stories, how they do things, and how to serve others through the connections that I have.”

A young leader from Indonesia

“After joining YWAM staff I was part of a very small, isolated community. I was confused, had no space to grow, and no one was really leading me. Then when I began investing my time in the ALLC community it helped me to have friends, get connected, grow, use my potential, get clear vision and calling, and get encouragement and support. I need community and connection even if it is online, and from this place, I am able to serve others as well. I have been able to pass on things I've learnt to my friends in my area and even younger YWAMers in other parts of my country.”

A young leader from Korea

“A leadership learning community is a community of people who take responsibility and leadership over their own lives and have an attitude to learn how to live according to God’s will and vision, and help others also learn together. Being part of the ALLC community has made my eyes open wide, helped me see how God is working in and through individuals lives/bases/nations. By experiencing various connections, it made me take courage to make new connections so that I can help people who seem isolated to feel connected and supported.”

a leader from Indonesia

When I think of a learning community, it is where people are encouraged to start/try new things and it's okay to fail and there's no judgement from the community because we're all learning. Even the most experienced (elders) are being such encouragers and eager to champion the younger ones.”

An elder in Thailand

A leadership learning community tells me that amongst a defined group of people, there is a mutual respect for the colleagues (peer leaders) to learn from each other and grow with each other.  This is not a typical teaching/educational community. The distinctive of YWAM is that there is an understanding that we will stand in the council of the LORD together (Jer 23:18) on behalf of those we lead, giving us the strategic edge. A leadership learning community in YWAM is weighing the objective skills of leadership with the subjective ear of following the LORD's guidance.  Being a part of the ALLC has given me permission to explore and experiment with the new technologies while discovering with my colleagues the unique leadership needs of YWAM leaders in Asia, those uniquely poised for leadership unlike the Western context.

ALLC Values

Our values

Being learning leaders first

Participating in and leading learning communities

Building relationships with one another as a foundation to ministry

Being connected across Asia and the Pacific and engaging with one another in God’s mission

The contexts in which God has placed us. We endeavor to be sensitive to culture and our audience in their learning

ALLC Values

Our values


“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.”  – Proverbs 1:5

We believe that life is supposed to be a journey of never-ending learning and growth.  The goal of learning and growing is to become more and more like Jesus every day. And we believe that it is the responsibility of all leaders to model life-long learning in our own lives, continuously growing in our leadership effectiveness and as disciples of Christ. The ALLC exists to provide a variety of opportunities for leaders to continue to develop their character, leadership competencies, and Christ-likeness in ways that are accessible, affordable, and directly relevant to their needs.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” – Ephesians 4:16

We believe that life is supposed to be a journey of never-ending learning and growth.  The goal of learning and growing is to become more and more like Jesus every day. And we believe that it is the responsibility of all leaders to model life-long learning in our own lives, continuously growing in our leadership effectiveness and as disciples of Christ. The ALLC exists to provide a variety of opportunities for leaders to continue to develop their character, leadership competencies, and Christ-likeness in ways that are accessible, affordable, and directly relevant to their needs.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”– 1 Peter 4:10

We believe that as Christ came to sacrifice himself and serve others, leaders should do the same. The ALLC seeks to provide opportunities for transformational leaders to serve others through mentoring, coaching, and the sharing of their leadership knowledge, experience and resources.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.” – Jeremiah 17:7-8

We believe that God desires for every person, ministry and community to thrive, flourish, and be all that He created us to uniquely be. To truly flourish requires that we know who we are, and that we allow both God and others to speak into our lives. This allow us to be refined, grow, mature, and experience balanced health of mind, body, spirit, emotions, and relationships. The ALLC helps leaders thrive by providing opportunities for personal leadership assessment, connecting leaders into coaching/mentoring relationships within like-minded circles, and providing access to leadership development training and resources.

“The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

We believe that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. God has called all believers to be a part of growing and expanding the Kingdom of God. To do so requires raising up and empowering future generations of healthy and effective Christian leaders throughout Asia and the rest of the world. The ALLC strives to promote leadership resources, connections and learning events to help leaders develop and multiply themselves, their ministries, other leaders, and the Kingdom of God.

About ALLC

Donations & payment information

The ALLC partners with YWAM Thailand for handling our funds and accounting, with accountability to our Eldership Team.  All donations and payments for events, courses, etc. can be sent to them online through Paypal, the YWAM Thailand website, or direct bank transfer. Unfortunately, due to various regulations they are not able to offer payment through other 3rd party platforms/apps.

To pay by Paypal use this email address : paypal@ywamthailand.org

Be Equipped & Connected

So how about you? Are you ready to connect with other leaders in the journey of learning together?