LTS 2016

Location: Shillong, Meghalaya, NE India
Dates: October 3 – November 11, 2016
Cost: 13,000 Indian Rupees (about 200 USD)

The YWAM South Asia Leadership Training Seminar (LTS) is a 6 week intensive training for both mature leaders and those who are young in their leadership calling.

What are the most crucial issues that you are facing? The curriculum for this seminar is put together to help meet the felt needs of the delegates and we will wait to hear your input before finalizing the teaching.

 We will be covering topics such as:
– Pioneering Leadership
– History of YWAM
– Importance of God’s Word
– Servant Leadership
– Pride & Humility
– Integrity in Finances
– Marriage, Singles and Leadership
– Project Development
– Strategic Partnerships
– Negligence in Leadership
– Character Studies
– Living with Your Weaknesses
– Finishing Well and more!
For more information, please contact us.

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