By Alan Lim
Below are some perspectives and advice about Money and Support Raising…
5 Things to Know About Money:
- Money is a commodity… Relationship to money is an attitude
- Money is amoral… Love of money is idolatry
- Money is to serve… Dependency on money is bondage
- Money is a gift from God… Accumulation of money is slavery
- Money is opportunity for generosity… Using money to control is wickedness
Attitude Towards Money:
- Don’t worry about money – Mat 6:25-34
- Set priorities right – Mat 6:33
- Be diligent and responsible – Prov 12:24; 1 Thess 4:11-12
- Invest money and see it grow – Mat 25:14-30
- Be generous – Mal 3:10; 2Cor 8:1-5
Things/topics to think and reflect about with respect to finances and support:
- Faith and Finances: Life is a journey in hearing, obeying and trusting God.
- Have you ever seen a worried bird? Remember that God cares about us and for us.
- Friend Raising vs Fund Raising. Remember that supporters are people. Relate with them and invest in them by sharing your life’s stories and journeys together.
FAITH Comes From:
- Knowing what God wants you to do (hearing)
- Obeying whatever He shows you to do (obeying)
- Trusting Him to do what you cannot do, in His way and in His time (trusting)
Attitude Towards Fundraising:
- Supporters as people and friends, not sources of money
- Respecting people whether they give or not
- Accountability to relationships
- Integrity of communication and information
- Trusting God because He is the Source
What to Do in Fund Raising?
- Define clear goals and purpose that is worth supporting
- Make a clear presentation and provide a clear way to give
- Identify people who have shown confidence in what you do, and who love you and believe in you
- Present a clear budget or financial plan for openness and transparency
- Ask God what you are to ask them for and how you are to ask
- Express a clear and simple PLEASE and THANK YOU
What NOT to do in Fundraising?
- Guilt: “If you do not support us, the work of God will die.”
- Pity: “As you can see from the pictures, this is all we have. But we are rejoicing even though we have nothing. “
- Donor Greed: “This investment of your gift will increase in value ten times in three years. I promise you that.”
- Donor Fear: “The bible says, “Give and it shall be given to you..” But if you do not give, all you have will be taken away from you. I am praying for you.”
- Donor Pride: “ Just for the sake of openness and transparency, we would like to put your name on ALL the buildings because we appreciate your gift to build our YWAM center. “
How Much Support is Enough?
Another way to think of this is to consider the following 3 things:
- Character – Don’t ask, “How much can I trust God to give me?’, but rather, ‘How much can He trust me with?’
- Calling – A worker is worthy of his hire. God provides according to our level of responsibility and to the ministry needs of what He has called us to.
- Culture – We should try to live in a reasonable and culturally appropriate manner – not overly extravagant.
- Here is an example of a letter which INCLUDES a specific funding request: Funding Request Newsletter