FOCOS Asia 2016 Foundational Coaching Skills Training
- Registration deadline is September 1, 2015
- Orientation Teleclass will be September 23, 2015
- Week long onsite held in Chiang Mai Thailand January 25-29, 2016.
training/focos/ - The training is in English only.
Foundational Coaching Skills Training (FOCOS)
Orientation: September 23, 2015
Workshop: January 25-29, 2016
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
The Need:
Mission leaders are looking for practical training that will help supervisors, team, ministry and other leaders make use of coaching skills and principles in their leadership roles. Coaching, through the use of powerful questions, listening, and support in goal planning and implementation, gives more responsibility to team members and new leaders to carry out their God-given vision. By its very nature, the coaching approach assumes a level of nitiative
and responsibility that invites emerging leaders to step up and take greater ownership for the
success of team and ministry.
The Training:
Integrating the coaching paradigm takes time, experience, and practice. CMI is committed to standing with you and supporting you as you learn to integrate coaching skills into your leadership sphere. The curriculum designed for you includes experiencing coaching for yourself, immersion in a five day introduction to coaching and coaching skills intensive workshop, and mentor coaching and teleclasses for skill development and application as you
begin to use coaching skills with others.
Training Components:
Phase 1:
During this phase you will have the opportunity to have a personal leadership coach walk with you in completing personal or ministry goals of your own choosing! Experiencing coaching for yourself is a critical component in learning to use coaching skills. Also during this phase, you will be reading “Leadership Coaching” by Tony Stoltzfus, which explains what coaching is and lays the foundation for this training process. The Orientation session will be September 23 and you will start meeting with your coach after the orientation. An additional tele-class to connect and process what you are learning about coaching will be held midway through your personal coaching process.
8 sessions of leadership coaching from a trained, cross culturally experienced, professional missions coach.
2 teleclasses
Dates: September 23, 2015 – Orientation Session
Phase 2:
You and your fellow trainees gather from around the world for an onsite workshop. Over 5 days you will engage in intensive, fun, and highly interactive relational learning. You will participate in live demonstrations of core skills followed immediately by hands-on practice in triads or pairs while being observed by experienced coaches/trainers who give you timely feedback to help you hone your skills. By the end of the workshop you will be able to coach another individual through an entire coaching session and have the essential skills to begin CMI |p.2|using coaching in your leadership sphere. The workshop will be conducted in Chiang Mai, Thailand location TBA, January 25-29, 2016 (arrival on January 24 – departures on January 30th).
*** Attendance for the entire week is REQUIRED in order to participate in this training!!!
5 day onsite coaching training workshop
Dates: January 25-29 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Phase 3:
Due to busy schedules and multiple responsibilities, many leaders find it difficult to focus on application of new knowledge once a training seminar is done. Mentor coaching as a follow up to the workshop has been shown to increase productivity and retention significantly and will provide the support, encouragement, and focus you need to develop your new skills in coaching. During phase 3 you will also participate in three teleclasses to provide further input on specific skills and provide accountability and a forum for questions and discussion as you and other trainees share highlights and learning. The coach trainer will also provide valuable feedback by listening in to you coaching a peer from your class during a live evaluation. This greatly increases your level of competence, confidence, and skill. We also encourage each trainee to pair up with a peer from their class to increase practice and giving each other feedback. Each trainee will start coaching 3-5 clients and work with them for a process of approximately 6-10 sessions each, for a minimum of 30 total coaching sessions. 6 sessions from your peer coaching can be counted towards the 30 sessions requirement.
6 sessions of mentor coaching
3 teleclasses for application of training material after you return home
1 live coaching evaluation with a trainer
30 sessions of practice coaching.