
Equipping leaders with necessary and relevant leadership skills.

Our Class


This 9-week online course focuses on the skills necessary to be a Strategic Leader. It is intended for people who want to establish a new ministry vision and plan, or improve and expand an existing ministry. Participants will learn and apply the principles and skills involved in creating a compelling vision, direction and strategy necessary for the longer-term growth and success of a team or ministry. This includes the basic skills required to think strategically, develop a vision, outcomes and strategies, set goals and priorities and delegate.

Our Process


The course was created and designed with three main outcomes in mind:

Vision Implementation

Aiming to impart a particular leadership skill where leaders develop confidence in implementing the vision that God has laid on their hearts. Allowing Holy Spirit to guide us through each step.

Global Connection

We seek to connect participants globally through relational engagement in Mentoring Circles. This is where spiritual formation can take place as we share our lives and ministry calling with one another, praying and supporting each other. Our prayer is that life-long friendships will be developed through these times as well as seeing the value of a spiritually supportive and formative community and introduce the concept among those they lead.

Learning Communities

Application of learning leads to change; change brings growth; and growth results in transformation. Learning takes place best in community where their storied lives are intertwined with God’s purposes. We have designed the course so that at the first level of learning is to individually process the short video teaching and answer the reflective questions. The second level of learning takes place when we consider the views of our peers and engage with them, helping to modify and deepen our learning conclusions. End module assignments are intended to reflect this learning.

Dates of the Next English Course:

April 11th - June 13th, 2025

Dates of the Next Korean Course:

September 20th - November 22nd, 2024


  • Completion of all 6 modules, including all related assignments, engagement in online discussions, attendance of weekly LIVE discussions and Mentoring circles earns a participant two Learning Component Units (or 2 elective credits) through YWAM’s University of the Nations (UofN) Extension Studies

  • Check with the Dean of your UofN school to ensure that these credits will count toward your preferred degree program


Vision Statement

Setting Goals

End Outcomes






ALLC believes in learning from the wise. And wisdom often comes from lessons learnt by the older generations. We learn from their successes, and also from their failures. “Listen my son, …” the book of Proverbs urges us, the younger ones (Prov 1:8, 2:1, 3:1, 11, 21, 4:1, 10, 20, etc.), to heed to those who love and care for us.

To be successful and effective in ministry, we can learn from many ‘elders’ who have journeyed before us. “Plans fail for the lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.” (Prov 15:22)

FaceTime is another way we can learn from our elders. While Mentoring Circles is a small group of YWAMers who meet regularly with a couple of elders; FaceTime is a once-off small group learning session(s) with one or more elders.

FaceTime is especially useful for a leadership team (base, ministry or national LT) whether facing with a particular challenge, or simply wanting to learn a leadership topic as a leadership team from an elder. FaceTime allows your leadership team to grow together!