by Jay Bransford

How strong of a Christian leader are you?  How do you know?


LEADERSHIP involves a complex set of factors that is nearly impossible to perfectly define. With the exception of Jesus, finding a ‘perfect’ leader on this earth is also impossible. However, the ALLC has defined 3 main areas that we believe capture the essentials of Christian leadership. They are:



Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity relates to our ongoing relationship with God, being led by His Spirit, and being submitted to His Word and authority.  As we grow in spiritual maturity, we grow in our own Christ-likeness, and in our ability to influence others from where they are to where God wants them to be.  Christian leaders are expected to be good role models of developing and nurturing their personal spiritual walk with God.  The ALLC has defined 5 key areas of Spiritual Maturity for leaders.  You can assess yourself at:



Christian character refers to the unique qualities and character of God that we demonstrate through our words, thoughts and actions.  No matter how smart, how well trained, how experienced, or how skilled a leader is, a lack of character will eventually destroy the witness and impact of that leader’s ministry, family, and/or personal life.  The ALLC has defined 11 key areas of Godly character for leaders.  You can assess yourself at:




Competencies refer to a set of skills and abilities that a person possesses to varying degrees.  God uniquely created each one of us to excel at certain skills.  As leaders, we should work to maximize our God-given strengths, develop our weaknesses to an acceptable level, and seek out other teammates and co-leaders who can compliment and balance our strengths and weaknesses.  The ALLC has defined 40 leadership competencies.  You can assess yourself at:


These areas of spiritual maturity, character and leadership competencies make up what the ALLC refers to as “Leadership Essentials”.  You can find much more information and resources on all of the 56 areas related to leadership essentials at:

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