Led by Lynn Green, his training has often been for Base Leadership teams, but in our context we have many communities that don’t operate as traditional bases, so please come if you are leading a community, location or multi-faceted ministry. From past experience it is best to bring your whole leadership team together.
Location: NRTC Bangkok
15 November – 20 November 2015
Cost: Country A = 4,500 Baht, Country B & C = 3,000
(Costs include housing, food, snacks, etc.)
Space is limited, as many are coming from neighboring countries. So please register SOON by emailing indophilrlt@gmail.com.
Following are some of the key areas we cover during this training week. These aspects of leadership are developed to focus on the issues that affect you the most in your ministry/base leadership role:
~ Apostolic leadership / vision development
~ Operational leadership – systems & organizational development
– communications, finances, structures and systems : how practically to run a base or national work on godly principles
~ Relational leadership – mentoring, team development and maintaining morale
– team leadership and how it works
– hospitality (more than a department!)
– dealing with discipline
~ Spiritual leadership – spiritual development