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A Sowing: Some Writings on Leadership


A Sowing

Not many Asians, neither men nor women, are writing on the subject of leadership. This seems to be true generally and specifically in YWAM, too. I am hoping that through ALLC we will be able to encourage more Asian leaders to write, especially those who have that gift and passion, as well as others whose life and leadership journey would be a wonderful study.

Thank you to all who so kindly responded to my request to write an article, some of you more than one, for this publication. Originally this was going to be a test case to determine if there was sufficient interest in such a project. I’m happy to report that the response has been very encouraging. While it was never our intention to hear from Asian writers alone, as it turned out the majority of the articles were written by Asians.

I am calling this effort ‘A Sowing.’ It’s my hope that many of the articles will be like good seed falling upon the good soil of our readers, bearing much fruit.

Thank you to Somi Park for your diligent and hard work compiling and arranging the articles. Thanks also to Kaleb Soehardjo for your creative ideas. Thank you Gillian Lim for the cover design. We hope to have a second publication out by the end of this year as more and more Asians begin to write about their experiences and leadership.

– Alan Lim,
Coordinator, ALLC

** You may freely print, copy, forward, and reproduce this book and/or any of the articles within it.  We just ask that you credit the original author(s).  However, please do not change the content nor sell it for financial gain.


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